A recent study (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2402638) showed that you don’t need oxygen all day, every day. That’s welcome news for patients needing chronic oxygen.
Marketing is literally in Austan Lundeen’s blood. So, I sat down with him to get tips on how to best use social media as a clinician.
This highly contagious virus can absolutely kill children.
A study showed no difference between IV and IO access in cardiac arrest. Yet, I have some questions. Study link: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2407616
In this next podcast in the “Great Minds in Medicine” series, I sit down with Dr. Greg Johnson, Chief Physician Executive at Unity Point Health. We discuss the state of healthcare and healthcare equity. Unequal Treatment (2003): https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/12875/unequal-treatment-confronting-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-health-care Ending Unequal Treatment (2024): https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/unequal-treatment-revisited-the-current-state-of-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-healthcare Subscribe below to get every episode in…
Insurance companies will use obscure “Coding Clinics” articles to deny various DRGs. I asked appeal expert Dr. Vivek Tirmal of Sound Advisory Services all about this.
Insurance companies will use obscure “Coding Clinics” articles to deny various DRGs. I asked appeal expert Dr. Vivek Tirmal of Sound Advisory Services all about this.
As cannabis use becomes more widespread, and more potent, clinicians need to be aware of its potential harms. NY Times article cited in show: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/04/us/cannabis-marijuana-risks-addiction.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
If we provide care consistent with our patients’ values and preferences, we are good stewards of scarce resources and provide compassionate effective care. Sign up below to get every episode in your email: http://eepurl.com/i1xuH2
In this next podcast in the “Great Minds in Medicine” series, I sit down with Dr. Greg Johnson, Chief Physician Executive at Unity Point Health. We discuss the state of healthcare and healthcare equity. Unequal Treatment (2003): https://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/12875/unequal-treatment-confronting-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-health-careEnding Unequal Treatment (2024): https://www.nationalacademies.org/our-work/unequal-treatment-revisited-the-current-state-of-racial-and-ethnic-disparities-in-healthcareSubscribe below to get every episode in your email:http://eepurl.com/i1xuH2
In this third installment of his lecture series on nights in the ICU, Dr. Hassaballa discussed arrhythmias and abnormal laboratory studies at night. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com (https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1)
CMS is proposing another 3.34% cut in physician payments, on top of what has already been cut. The math is simply unsustainable. It is not about "greedy doctors." It is about the financial viability of medical practices. Dr. Hassaballa weighs in. Read the accompanying article at: https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/p/the-unsustainable-math-of-medicare This is a…
Dr. Hassaballa discusses hypoxic respiratory failure and oxygen delivery and why he doesn't care about pO2. Read more about oxygen delivery here: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/essential-equations-for-anaesthesia/oxygen-delivery/266FB17B43BD69713233B026B885DBCD Correction: The number is 1.34 mL oxygen per gram of hemoglobin. Dr. Hassaballa regrets the error. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss…
Sometimes, "minimal vent settings" is not sufficient to truly test spontaneous breathing in a ventilated patient. In this episode, Dr. Hassaballa discusses why that is. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com (https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1)
Insurance company denials are terribly frustrating. There are a number of causes, and in this series, we will explore the types of denials and what we can do to mitigate them. Resources: "From the Appeals Desk": https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/t/from-the-appeals-desk Association for Healthcare Appeals and Denial Management (AHDAM): https://www.ahdam.org/ This is a public…
In this episode, Dr. Hassaballa goes over the different types of shock and how to recognize their hemodynamic profiles. Errata: I meant to say that LVEDV is estimated by LVEDP, which is estimated by Left atrial pressure, which is estimated by pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Also, V = IR and…
This week is National Respiratory Care Week (https://www.aarc.org/resources/programs-projects/respiratory-care-week/) (October 23-29). As an ICU medical director who works every single day hand in hand with respiratory therapists, as well as having the honor of being the Medical Director of Respiratory Therapy at the Chicago Area Hospital which serves as my base,…
In this episode, Dr. Hassaballa reflects over two of the songs God used to save his life: "Weightless," by Natasha Bedingfield - https://youtu.be/AUxLeytLHVk?si=tYGTD8xv_JrNa2Zi "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes - https://youtu.be/SVOuYquXuuc?si=HxThkSSgOaQFQC35 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access…
As students start entering their rank order lists, Dr. Hassaballa shares advice he gives his students going into Residency. Link: https://www.nrmp.org/match-calendars/master-calendar/ This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com (https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1)
In this episode of Healthcare Musings podcast, we discuss sepsis: its definition and principles of management. Relevant References: Sepsis 3 Definition: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2492881 Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines: https://www.sccm.org/Clinical-Resources/Guidelines/Guidelines/Surviving-Sepsis-Guidelines-2021 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com…
In this episode, Dr. Hassaballa talks about why he stopped drinking Diet Coke. And no...it has nothing do with cancer. Links: WHO Statement on aspartame: https://www.who.int/news/item/14-07-2023-aspartame-hazard-and-risk-assessment-results-released Microbiome and nonnutritive sweeteners: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00919-9?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867422009199%3Fshowall%3Dtrue Nonnutritive sweeteners and weight gain: https://www.cmaj.ca/content/189/28/E929 Gut-brain axis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5641835/ This is a public episode. If you would like to…
The original episode is here: https://soundphysicians.com/podcast-episode/?podcast_id=8173&track_id=1678458171 Check out the "Crossing the Chasm" podcast here: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/crossing-the-chasm-with-dr-greg-johnson/id1676682379 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/6uPp1Ridfcrwpa7qgjm3St?si=ABbuo0x_SIyK5lcnF06qcQ Sound Physicians: https://soundphysicians.com/podcast/crossing-the-chasm/ This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com (https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1)
Dr. Hassaballa reflects on how it is too bad that food here in the United States is so much more processed than overseas. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit healthcaremusings.substack.com (https://healthcaremusings.substack.com/?utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=CTA_1)